Saturday, December 31, 2011


A couple of very strange rooms and some very strange writings I came across last week at work.

Exhibit 1) porn room, covered with these drag queen like illustrations 2) nearly every square inch covered in babble 3) word salad journal 4) bootlegger, courtesy of me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


SAME SAME... BUT DIFFERENT. This is a phrase I experience now and then at the warehouse where I work. An East Indian influenced English phrase as I understand it. My sisters who travelled to India have told me about this phrase. Well it's sort of a self defeating statement, but I consider myself a self defeating sorta guy. Maybe something is lost in translation but I like it all the same. And perhaps it's a fitting title for a pile of shit that is actually a bunch of very different shit that's so unique when examined exhaustiveslyish.
Ok, there's a lot of ground to cover today, so let's get started....

Homemade t-shirts. Why? Why did you maniacally spend your time hand painting this? And what does it mean? What does it even say? "Mad Equal"?
By throwing the "MAD" in there, I feel there's the implication of "more" equality and that makes no goddamn sense. Were you trying to say "Made Equal" and made a mistake or was that your fantastically clever idea for a punny phrase? Argh. So many questions.I chose to include this simply because it was clearly made by a stark raving mad lunatic.
This both shocked me and made me laugh. Ok. You sell paint. Ok. You have painted this "mural" on the back of your shirt to advertise your paint store. I even really like the bowling pin idea. Rad. I get everything up to that point. But the super racist caricature of the asian kid (not bowling) seems a little WTF, am I right? The 70's was so out of left field. I wish I could interview the creator of this gem for clarification.

And while we're still on the topic of discrimination, the Quebecois were doing a rad job of making fun of themselves in the 80's.

Also about the 80's: Garfield paraphernalia was so much more edgy.

Ok, so then why are you going to another planet with our lumber? Or are you heading to back to Earth now with the wood from other planets because we've used all of ours? But then the message makes no sense. Unless maybe it's reverse double sarcasm. Or maybe this is taking place in the future? Shouldn't you be flying towards the Earth? But you're sort of... well you're not heading towards it, you're sort of parallel to it? If that makes any sense in space... Iunno. I think this tshirt maybe just sucks?

Metallica, ever since the black album, you've sucked so much ass. It's not even arguable- pure fact. As proof of just how far down the shit spiral you were willing to let yourself flush, just look at this super gay early 2000's design that would make "No Fear" apparel look BAD ASS.
And this is actually from my own wardrobe. My collection of impulse sweaters, aren't they fucking great? Boy, Girl, and STRIPES.

Oh, and my wonderful facking Christmas sweater. I can't wait to break that out thith seathon.

Probable Creepy Uncle.

The way to look like a fucking creepy pedophile is to wear this shirt.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Direction

We're made up of people who do somewhat strange things for work. I do vintage picking part time and pest control part time, kirby picks vintage and aaron drives a tug boat. Since blogs are pointless, here's some pointless stuff seen at work.

Here we have typical cross section of ephemera of the raghouse:
A cross between 70's home-body kitchen kitsch and the green giant.....

An ESL shirt with an exceptionally poorly constructed message which reads: "
Modern times changes by improving a science It is the Me which may do it without profitability in the future life the thing which makes to do."

And the oddly homo-erotic leanings of an "Igor's Jazz Cowboys" scarf...

Then there's pest control in the downtown eastside, a job which takes me to some very peculiar homes with bizarre decor. It's in places like this that I find such marvels as
the King of Dwarves completely covering the month of December in a calendar and a
brilliant colouring book picture (brilliantly coloured, too) tacked to the wall beside some Christmas decorations.